After making a presentation to our club last July, the Days for Girls Kamloops Chapter requested monetary support for a proposed trip to Costa Rica  to distribute Days for Girls kits to women and girls in marginalized communities. Our club donated $2,500 to support the group's endeavours. In November, we received a warm thank you for that support. Following are pictures and a portion of the thank-you letter sent by Director Terry-Lynn Stone. 

The Salmon Arm Rotary Clubs'  Inbound Youth Exchange student is Karen Taboada Santos who comes to us from 
the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico.  Recently she gave a presentation about her home and family to our club. 
Our Youth Exchange student Eden Heckrodt arrived in Brasil in late August. Since then she has had many adventures. She has started school, met many new friends, helped her exchange sister prepare for an exchange to Turkey, tried lots of new foods, and spent a couple of weekends at a beach house in the jungle!
Started in 1984, Project Amigo is an organization based in Colima, Mexico whose mission it is to  empower disadvantaged and marginalized children  to achieve their highest potential.  By offering comprehensive scholarships for formal education, school supplies, access to educational assistance centers, homework clubs, enrichment activities and healthcare services not otherwise available to them, it is committed to ending poverty through education, one child at a time. Our club is one of 12 in BC to sponsor students. There are currently 220 high school students (grades 7-12) in the program. 
The cost of attending junior high and high school are beyond the means of many rural families. Without scholarships, schooling for the youth served by Project Amigo would end at sixth grade, and they would begin working in menial, low-paying jobs. In the above photo, Jesus, a former student sponsored by our club, holds one of some new computers that Project Amigo had acquired. Jesus is 3rd from the left at the back of the group. 
The Guatemala Literacy Project is a network of individual Rotarians and the nonprofit Cooperative for Education dedicated to improving education for underserved students in Guatemala.  Since 1997, over 800 clubs around the world have participated in the GLP. Guatemala has one of the most extreme combinations of poverty, illiteracy and inequality. 4 out of 5 indigenous Guatemalans live in poverty and 1 in 3 cannot not read or write. 
Sarah Sigurdson introduced Salmon Arm Mayor Alan Harrison who presented a City update:
The City - the main thrust is diversity and collaboration:
  • Population increased an average 2%/year over the past 5 years
  • Infrastructure is the prime concern
  • Unique in its development of collaboration with non-profit organizations to benefit the city
At our June 15 meeting, Days for Girls advocate and head of Days for Girls Canada, Terri-Lynn Stone  told the club members about 
the Days for Girls organization, its programs and focus on education of menstrual health for girls all over the world.  In many countries, girls are unable to attend school during the time of their period because they do not have the supplies they need to allow attendance.  
The Rotary Club of Salmon Arm, in cooperation with the City of Salmon Arm and Shuswap Recreation Society, is planning an official ribbon cutting ceremony at Roger’s Rink on Friday July 19th, from 11:00am to 2:00pm.
The official ribbon cutting will take place at approximately 11:00am followed by a tour of the walking track. Complimentary hotdogs, snacks, refreshments, and cake will be served following the ceremony.
Go to Salmon Arm Recreation's Facebook page to see and accept this Invite.
February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month, a time dedicated to an opportunity to reflect on and contribute to one of Rotary’s core areas of focus. "Peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of justice, equity, and harmony. In Rotary, we believe that peace is a viable and essential goal, achievable through understanding, goodwill, and compassion. Our role as Rotarians is to be architects of peace, building bridges where walls once stood."  Rotary District 5020 
Our Rotry Exchange student has arrived to start the school year she will spend with us in Salmon Arm.  All three Rotary Clubs welcome Karen, who is from Ixtapa in Mexico.
Last weekend was the Youth Exchange Orientation held at Camp Gifford on Deer Lake, Washington. There, inbound exchange students were welcomed by host clubs from Districts 5060 and 5080, including our own Karen, who is from Ixtapa, Mexico. There was also a review of returning outbound students from 2023-2024 (they're the ones with all those badges on their jackets).
Now finished and open to the public. No charge for using this newly rubberized track.
Perfect for hot summer days and cold winter days alike!

We just welcomed back into our fold a previous member, Jim Barmby (on the right, pictured with member Norm and last year's ADG Penny Brown). Jim recently returned to Salmon Arm from the Maritimes. Great to have you back Jim.

Join us at a Meeting

Mondays at 12:00 Noon at the GreenSpace located at First Community!

450 Okanagan Ave E, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 1H6   (See Map).

Kimberly Gysi Rees
Feb 10, 2025
Salmon Arm Music Festival
No Meeting
Feb 17, 2025
Family Day
No Speaker
Feb 24, 2025
Business Meeting
Cindy Derkaz
Mar 03, 2025
Sabnes: Eric Christmas Boardwalk